The virus can also spread to air travelers, but the risk of infection is low: Research

New delhi date. Saturday 22 August 2020

In the early days of the corona epidemic, four people were infected with corona on an international plane. New scientific studies have confirmed the possibility that the virus could be transmitted by airplane but the risk of infection will be significantly lower. On the plane, 102 passengers were traveling on March 9, seven of whom had the corona virus. Four of the total seven infected people were asymptomatic during the flight.

The list of suspected cases of infection did not go far

None of the passengers wore masks. “When we visited these passengers later to find out how widespread the infection was, we expected that the list of suspected cases of infection would be longer and there would be more typical patients on the plane,” said Sandra CSK, director of the Institute of Medical Virology at Frankfurt Goth University. Apart from this the patients were not even wearing masks.

The infection rate of the virus is very low due to the circulation of air inside the aircraft and if the mask is worn, it will further reduce the infection rate. Four to five weeks after the seven coroners on the plane, all passengers were contacted by telephone and interviewed. In all, 71 of the other 78 passengers (91%) who were in contact with the group on the flight completed the interview, and serum samples were taken from 13 of these individuals six to nine weeks after the flight.

The analysis indicated that corona was confirmed in two people in contact with this group. No one else was born Corona. Researchers believe that the infection can occur before and after a flight.
