Terrorism is a cancer that affects everyone like Corona: S. Jaishankar

New delhi date. 28 August 2020, Friday

India's External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has once again taken up the issue of terrorism with Pakistan. He likened terrorism to cancer, saying "terrorism affects everyone like Corona." Jaishankar has earlier issued a stern warning to Pakistan on the issue of terrorism.

According to sources, Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has indirectly given a direct answer to Pakistan that terrorism is a cancer that affects everyone. This is like a disease that spreads like wildfire all over the world. The epidemic of corona is also affecting everyone as a whole.

Even those who support terrorism are not isolated from them. S Jaishankar targeted Pakistan during a function held at the 19th Darbari Seth Memorial.

"The global response to terrorism and the epidemic has come against all," the foreign minister said during the CPRI program. When a big event happens. He warned Pakistan that it has produced terrorism for others who show themselves to be victims of terrorism, while they are responsible for fostering terrorism.
