Thousands protest against racism in the United States

New York, Ta. Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Numerous demonstrations were held in the United States to protest racial discrimination. Employees from the service industry, fast food chain and private company joined the rally. As many as 150 organizations took part in the protest, and the slogan "Black Lives Matter" filled the air.

Protesting groups say police mistreated many black men and women in the United States and killed many. There were protests against that injustice. Protests erupted in numerous US cities, large and small, with the slogan "Black Lives Matter."

The rally, aimed at treating all Americans equally in the workplace, was joined by a large number of workers, the fast food industry, the service sector and people working in private companies.

Organizations organizing the rally said more than 20,000 workers in 160 cities had quit their jobs over inequality because of widespread protests following the assassination of George Floyd. Apart from that, there are many people who are facing inequality in the workplace. The rally was organized with the aim of giving equality to such citizens.

Protesters have accused the United States of discriminating between whites and blacks in such a way that many blacks are paid less than white citizens for the same work. There are protests for equality.
