If I win the election, relations with India will be a priority: Democratic candidate Biden

Washington, July 2, 2020, Thursday

America is going to have a presidential election at the end of the year.

This is the first time that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who is running against Trump's Republican Party, has made a pro-India statement. The priority of the system will be to strengthen relations with India.

In a program, he was asked about India-US relations. Biden made it clear that India needs to be a partner of the United States in the field of security. This partnership is equally important for India.

"A decade ago today, our party played a key role in the nuclear deal between the United States and India, and I'm proud of that. It was a big deal. The Obama administration also prioritized the campaign to strengthen our partnership with India." If I become president, this will be my priority.

"We warned Trump on this issue from the beginning, but Trump ignored it. Trump has failed to protect the country," Biden said, referring to Corona in the United States.
