China denies claim that swine flu G4 is deadly, saying the virus is too old

Beijing, Ta. 5 July 2020, Sunday

According to the Chinese Department of Agriculture, swine flu G4 is not a new virus and is not capable of infecting humans or animals. According to the Department of Agriculture, the virus is unlikely to cause any harm to anyone. A recent U.S. report prepared by the National Academy of Sciences found the virus to be deadly and capable of spreading epidemics to humans.

However, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture has denied the allegations in a statement issued Friday stating "Similar, baseless allegations concerning Russia's intelligence have been made more than once.

Getting the new flu virus identified

The Corona virus, spread from China, has wreaked havoc around the world and has infected more than a million people worldwide. Chinese scientists have then discovered a new flu virus that has the potential to take the form of an epidemic. Chinese scientists have discovered the new virus from a local pig and it could spread to humans. The virus could also take the form of a deadly epidemic, according to Chinese scientists.

According to researchers, the new swine flu G4 is itself a genetic descendant of the H1N1 swine flu. The name of this new swine flu is G4 and it is more deadly than before. Under these circumstances, it is more likely to spread if it comes in contact with the Corona epidemic (Covid-19).

It will be difficult to stop the spread of this

The last flu pandemic in the world was in 2009 before the corona virus and was named swine flu at the time. The swine flu that started in Mexico was not as deadly as predicted. But this time, more than a million people have been infected with the corona virus, and it would be difficult to stop it if a new virus spreads under these circumstances.

Humans can be badly infected

According to a report published in the National Academy of Sciences, this new strain of flu has the potential to infect humans badly. Studies have shown that strains from pigs can infect humans.
