Aggressive attitude towards India reveals real face of Chinese Communist Party: Trump

Washington, July 2, 2020, Thursday

US President Donald Trump has once again lashed out at China for taking an aggressive stance against countries, including India.

On behalf of Trump, White House Press Secretary Kyle McNenny said that China's attitude towards other countries, including India, has exposed the true face of the Chinese Communist Party to the world.

Relations between the two countries are strained after clashes between Chinese and Indian forces in the Galvan Valley. "We are monitoring the situation between the two countries," McKennie said. President Trump himself is gaining knowledge and believes that the same kind of aggression that China has shown in other parts of the world has been adopted on the border with India. These moves expose the real face of the Chinese Communist Party.

However, this is not the first time that the US has openly supported India in the face of tensions between China and India. The US is openly supporting the struggle against China and every step India has taken against China since then.

The US has even backed India's move to ban Chinese apps.
