A new study has revealed a shocking revelation about the sterilization of blacks in America

New delhi date. 26 July 2020, Sunday

A recent study has made a shocking revelation about the sterilization of blacks in America. From 1929 to 1947, a vasectomy program was performed in the US state of North Carolina. According to the study the program was explicitly launched to control America’s black population which is consistent with the UN’s definition of ‘genocide’.

Under this program, 7,600 men, women and even children up to the age of 10 have been sterilized and started for the welfare of the people so that people can become mentally retarded and many become parents. Most people were forced to undergo vasectomy but some women who had no other means of birth control declared themselves unfit and demanded vasectomy. The new study is published in the American Review of Political Economy.

The study examined the period from 1958 to 1968. About 2,100 illegal sterilizations took place in 100 counties during this period. During the study, the researchers found that sterilization rates among black people increased as their unemployment rate increased, but unemployed whites and other races were not targeted at this rate.

According to William Derity Jr., a professor at Duke University and co-author of the study, genocide is defined as the complete annihilation of a national, racial, religious or ethnic group. According to the Geneva Conventions, it also includes "enforcing rules for a group that intends to stop their reproduction." According to Derity, "it is North Carolina's genocide act to sterilize its black citizens in the wrong proportions."

Earlier it was reported that black population was targeted by such sterilization programs but a new study has revealed its methods and objectives. According to Rhonda Sharp, co-author of the study at the Women's Institute of Science, Equity and Race, 'controlling black people and their fertility is not a big deal. Genetics was used to keep. '
