Will the fear of an epidemic stop carnivores around the world?

New York, Ta. 15 June 2020, Monday

SARS in 2002, swine flu in 2009, Ebola in 2013 and now corona. One of the commonalities of these epidemics, which have spread in less than two decades, is that all of these diseases have spread from animals to humans. Due to which, there is a debate about meat eating all over the world. The spread of corona from slaughterhouses, especially in the United States and some European countries, has forced Western society to consider meat consumption. After seeing the dire consequences of corona in these countries, dieticians have advised to take the path of vegetarianism in time. He says the only way to avoid future epidemics like corona is to find a natural balance. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, three out of every four epidemics have come from animals to humans.

Taste is not more valuable than the lives of poor laborers

When President Donald Trump ordered the opening of abattoirs in the United States, the meat-loving United States asked, "Is the taste of meat worth more than the lives of poor laborers preparing meat?" Of the 10 places that have been made hotspots, 6 places have large slaughterhouse shops.

Corona spread in pork plant

Sioux Falls is the largest hotspot in the country, producing five percent of America's pork. At the Tyson plant in Iowa, 60 percent of employees, or 730 people, are infected with coronavirus. The transition has spread from 1,800 to 1,031 employees at Tyson's second plant in Iowa alone.

The extent of cruelty in animals

Not many animals have been killed since the meat plant was shut down. Seeing their growing numbers, many animals were injected with abortions, some were killed. The situation was so bad that many Iowa ranchers had to provide mental health services.

A quarter of Americans aged 25-34 became vegetarians

Animal slaughter has been cited as a major factor in increasing global warming. According to a report, a quarter of Americans aged 25-34 admit that they have become vegetarian. The demand for vegetarian food is increasing. At least people today are thinking about meat. Vegetarianism can change global warming

Need a safe and balanced diet

According to a 2015 study, a vegetarian diet costs about Rs 60,000 per person, which is less than meat. It will not endanger the lives of poor workers like slaughterhouses. But can we remove meat from our meal plates? The answer will come from our need. And in this time of epidemic, excellent, safe and balanced eating and drinking is needed.

Learn the answers to two important questions on meat

The first question, do we need to eat meat to get protein, the answer is no. A healthier body and longevity can be achieved even without meat. Most Americans consume 70 percent more protein than is prescribed for the body. But eating more protein increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and kidney failure.

The second question is whether the vegetarian factory farming system will deprive farmers of their jobs. The answer is no. In fact these types of farmer organizations make more use of them. The number of farmers in America is very small, while the population of the country is about 11 times higher. Experts say that more vegetarians will lose more jobs than farmers.
