US backs protests in Hong Kong, shooting protesters in its own country: China

Beijing, June 2, 2020, Tuesday

China has been sent to besiege the United States in the wake of the riots that erupted in the United States after the death of a black man, George Floyd, in police custody.

A spokesman for China's foreign ministry said the United States "applauds" demonstrations and riots in Hong Kong and called those who are protesting in the United States "rioters."

Spokesman Jao Lijian said Hong Kong's protests were driven by internal and external factors seeking to break up the country. The pro-independence movement and those dressed in black posed a serious threat to national security.

The United States has praised pro-independence activists in Hong Kong, and the United States has used rioters to protest against the racist mentality in the country.

He said the United States had criticized Hong Kong police for blocking demonstrations and firing on protesters in their home country.
