Troops in the Galvan Valley confronted Chinese martial artists

Beijing, Sunday 28 June 2020

Tensions between India and China are at an all-time high following the June 15 violent clashes in Ladakh's Galvan Valley. Meanwhile, just days before the clashes, it was revealed that China had deployed skilled assassins in its Mountain Division and martial arts near the border. Was included.

The Chinese military deployed five new militia divisions in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, before June 15, according to reports from the military's official newspaper, China National Defense News. The section includes former members of China's Mount Everest Olympic Torch Relay team, as well as fighters from the Martial Arts Club. It is believed that violent acts were witnessed on the border due to their misdeeds.

In the military, members of the Mount Everest Olympic Torch Relay team are skilled at mountaineering, while martial arts club fighters are deadly killers. The Chinese military has changed its policies in Ladakh and recruited a large number of martial arts fighters. China knows that it cannot win against India by fighting on the border, so it has tried to confront India through these fighters.

These fighters specialize in martial arts using sticks, spears and rods. China is now preparing to fight India with the help of such troops. According to the People's Daily, the militants, who live in the plateau region of Tibet, are also training the Chinese army to fight with sharp sticks or canes. China is now in the process of escalating the border dispute by skilled mercenaries in proxy war.
