Strange demand arose in this country, women get the right to have more than one husband, find out why ...

Beijing, Ta. 12 June 2020, Friday

The growing number of unmarried men in China is becoming a headache for the country. The situation in China has deteriorated so much due to gender inequality that by the year 2050, 30 million men will remain unmarried.

However, Professor Yi Kang Ng of China has made a radical suggestion to the government to address this problem. He has advocated giving women the right to have two or more husbands. According to Kang Nga, a well-known economist in China, allowing women to have two or more husbands for a short period of time can solve this social problem. He said if the proposal is accepted, the growing number of unmarried people in the country will get both a wife and happiness. Yi Kang is a professor at NG University.

Finding a bride in the near future is a daunting task for an unmarried man due to increasing competition in China. Middle-aged unmarried men will have to compete with the young to win the heart of the bride. And even at a time when the number of brides is very low. If the physical and psychological needs of men are not met properly, their happy life will be affected.

The Chinese economist has made two proposals for resolving this crisis. The first is to recognize prostitution and the second is to allow polygamy. Under it, women are legally entitled to have two or more husbands. There are many people in the country who want a wife to be shared rather than a wife.
