People did more searches on Google than about the Corona virus

New Delhi, June 9, 2020, Tuesday

People in the country have become overloaded by getting information related to Corona virus. People have been tired of the information associated with the corona virus since the beginning of the year. People are so fed up now that they have stopped searching for Corona virus on Google.

People are no longer afraid of the corona virus

According to Google Search Trade, the search for information linked to the Corona virus halved in May. However, cases of coronavirus are on the rise in the country. All these statistics are based on search results in India.

These statistics suggest that people are returning to their previous state of coronavirus. Cricket has been an exception in this list. No tournament has been held due to the epidemic, but the search for cricket has increased fivefold.

The number of people searching for Corona has dropped

After months of debate, people across the country have lost interest in the corona virus. Instead of searching on Google for information linked to the Corona virus in May, people are now busy getting information about movies, music and the weather.

In May, people searched for the most lockdown 4.0. Then the second number has searched about Eid Mubarak. The number of searches for corona virus has dropped to 12th. However, most people search for the movie, the news, the weather, and the meaning of the words.
