Increased risk of corona infection in monsoon, do not be under the illusion of dengue and malaria

New delhi date. Monday, June 29, 2020

With the rise in temperature and the prediction that the effects of the virus will disappear in the sun have been disproved, the monsoon is now expected to spread further. So far in medical research it is not clear whether the corona is more prevalent in rain or cold, but the central government has advised the affected states to be more vigilant in view of the monsoon.

Symptoms of mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, malaria and chickenpox are similar to corona fever, chills, sore throat and vomiting. States have been told not to be confused about mosquito-borne diseases and infections. Maintain caution by creating a strategy in the rain while continuing testing.

Policy Commission member Dr. VK Paul says that the moisture in the monsoon increases the shape of the droplets coming out of the nose and mouth. On normal days the virus can survive on any surface for six to eight hours and in humid environments for up to 12 hours.

These droplets are the main cause of the spread of corona. In fact 35 to 40 degrees Celsius. The expectation of corona extinction in temperature has been proven wrong. In ICMR's NIV Poona lab, scientists have identified 17 forms of corona from different countries. That is why there is no evidence yet as to what effect it will have in the heat and in what monsoon or cold.

Unlock-2 will not change due to monsoon

The country is entering the second phase of unlock, a health ministry official said. The new central guidelines will take effect from July 1, but there will be no major changes to Unlock due to the monsoon. Schools, colleges as well as theaters are likely to be closed.

Now a digital record of health is being prepared in the country

The Ministry of Health has ordered the integration of doctors, basic formulations, patient documents and their unique IDs etc. into the digital platform in the country. Digitization of health related documents will help in making plans. The government can work on new schemes to suit the geographical situation, the health services available there and the patients.
