In one month, Trump made 34 false claims about China and 61 about Corona: the report

Washington, Ta. Sunday 21 June 2020

A report claims that US President Donald Trump made 192 false claims between May 4 and June 7, 2020. Trump continued to make false claims during the Corona epidemic and even told lies about Corona.

According to the report, Trump made 61 false claims about the Corona virus or the Corona crisis. Trump made an average of 5.5 false claims every day for about 5 weeks. However, he also said that from July 8, 2019 to now, the average of Trump's false claims is 7.7 per day. That means he made an average fewer false claims in the last 2 months.

Of Trump's total 192, 42 false claims were made on Twitter. In an interview in May, Trump lied 14 times, while in another interview he made false claims 10 times.

Trump said a few days ago that one lakh five thousand people died due to corona in America. He said there had been no previous deaths in the United States but that an estimated 6.75 million people had died during the 1918-19 flu.

According to U.S. media reports, the number of his false claims increased in the days when Trump spoke to a reporter in an interview or spoke to a reporter again. According to the report, since Trump's claims have been tracked, he has made 2,576 false claims since July 8, 2019.

Between May 4 and June 7, 2020, Trump made the most false claims, ranging from China, the Corona virus, and the economy. Trump has made false claims 61 times on the Corona virus topic, 34 times on China, 22 times on the economy, 18 times on trade, 16-16 times on the military and voting, and 15 times on the health service.
