Did Newton predict the end of the world in 2020?

London, June 15, 2020, Monday

Doomsday is apparently the catalyst for a united Khundia and their subsequent emergence as a galactic power. The prophecies of Nostradamus of France are famous but also predicted by the great British scientist Isaac Newton. Newton, who gave the formula for motion, wrote the first note about the destruction of the earth in 1905. After Newton's death in 1914, the letter was found in his home. According to The Newton Papers, Newton wrote more than 10,000 notes and letters in his lifetime. All of these documents were brought to Cambridge in 1900 after Newton's busy notes were arranged after 10 years of hard work.

Newton's letters were auctioned off in 1918 and bought by the English economist John Maynard Keynes. Eventually a scholar transcribed these writings into a book called Secrets of Newton which is still found today at the University of Jerusalem. Newton writes that if man thinks he is going to live forever, it is his fault. It is also about to end, especially when man ceases to believe in religion. Newton calculated the catastrophe from a book called Half Time Talk. The answer that Newton received by special calculation was 6.5 years and 120 days.

Newton then made a scientific calculation and converted the number 150 into years instead of days. Finally calculated and decided the year of the destruction of the world. Newton also wondered what criteria to set for these 150 years. He argued that the year 200 was the criterion for a religious revolution in Rome in 500 BC and that the Roman emperor Chelimaig replaced the pope in his reign. That is why he has considered 2020 as the year of the end of the world. Even if this year does not end, many believe that the Flood will begin in the year 2020.


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