Corona patient paid Rs 8.14 crore by hospital in US

Washington, Monday, June 15, 2020

In the United States, a patient infected with the corona virus has been billed હોસ્પિટ 11 lakh (approximately Rs. 8.14 crore) by a hospital.

According to media reports, Michael Flour was so weakened by the illness that his wife and children gave up hope of his recovery.

According to the Seattle Times, Floor, however, has recovered after treatment at the Swedish Medical Center in the city of Ishaq, Washington State. He has been billed 11 1.1 million for his treatment, he said.

Notably, Flore fought coronavirus for 62 days at the Swedish Medical Center and is the longest-serving patient in the hospital.

According to the newspaper, Floor has medical insurance, which usually provides for all expenses to be insured after a deduction of six thousand dollars. Congress (Parliament) has enacted a special law for the treatment of Kovid-19 patients and it is possible that the floor will not have to pay anything.

Flore said he himself is surprised to have beaten the Corona virus infection. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said. I have a price, why I increase the grief of the person who survived after spending so much after 6 treatments.
