'America fooled China's rise by feeding it': Top International Relations Experts

New delhi date. 21 June 2020, Sunday

John Meyersheimer, a political scientist and thinker of international relations at the University of Chicago, predicted 20 years ago today that China's rise in the 21st century would not be peaceful. There will be a security rivalry between China and America that will end with war. "China wants to be a hegemonic power and at the same time change the status quo of its border with India," John Myersheimer said in a meeting with global thinkers.

Has America failed to adjust to China's growing power? In answer to this question Prof. "The United States has also done something much worse by failing to adjust to China," Meyersheimer said. The United States helped China become more and more economically powerful in the last decade of the last century and the first decade and a half of the present century. In fact, we've created a potential rival that is shockingly stupid. '

He added that the United States, recognizing the threat, also took swift action to try to contain China. There is also another theory about international relations, traditionally advanced by thinkers like Kishore Mehboobani, a prominent East Asian diplomat and former chairman of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

'Has China won? According to Mehboobani, author of The Chinese Challenge to American Primacy, in the 21st century, China will occupy America's global hegemonic status. However, in his view, this is a status quo power of China, not a revolutionary one. At the same time, a confrontation with China is both inevitable and avoidable.

Reacting to Mehboobani's views on the escalating conflict in Asia and the West, Meyersheimer said: "This is not an issue of the West against Asia but of China against many of its neighbors, including India and China. You are going to see a situation in which India and the United States, Vietnam and the United States, India and Japan, Australia and the United States can all join hands for a balanced cooperation against China.

Sameer Saran, chairman of the Observer Research Foundation, one of Asia's most influential think tanks, also joined the panel of global thinkers and discussed the Indo-China situation. Asked about India's role in the current conflict at the LAC and its views on the Sino-US conflict, he referred to the '3-M Framework'.

"You will see a big re-emergence of a Middle Kingdom identity," Sir said. It (China) believes it is at the center of the world and rules cannot restrict its global and domestic dealings. As for the other 'M', the Chinese exception is supported by two more 'M'-' Modern Tools of Engagement and Medieval Mindset '.

"He has begun to dominate and dominate global forums," Sir said. Started investing in modern armies and did it very well. However it could be the Middle Kingdom and the psyche could be medieval. They believe in innovation, entrepreneurship and control over individuals. He partnered with authoritarian and oppressive regimes. Used iron rods with nails and barbed wire weapons despite a commitment not to use weapons at the time of the clash.

The violent clash in the Galvan Valley shows the distance of the roads that China and India think for the future of Asia. China thinks the sun can only rise in the east while India is committed to becoming a player on the world stage. India wants to develop its capabilities rapidly but does not want to be a follower of any country without question.
