Trump calls Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists top journalists

New Delhi, May 8, 2020

The Pulitzer Prize is considered a prestigious award in the world of journalism.

Trump called the recipients "thieves" and said they were not journalists but thieves. He should be forced to return the award because he was wrong.

The award-winning journalists have been honored for their coverage of the investigation into Russia's involvement in the last US presidential election. Trump said the documents coming forward clearly state that there was no collusion with Russia to win the election.

"The Pulitzer Prize should be returned. Because you know, it was given for the wrong work. The reports for which this prize was given were bogus. This is a shame even for the committee that gave the prize," he said.

"Journalists who publish true reports should receive the Pulitzer Prize, and I can provide a long list of such journalists," Trump said.
