The recovery rate of corona patients in India is 20 times better than in the US

New Delhi, 19 May 2020 Tuesday

Recovery rate of Corona victims in India 20 times better than In the United States, when the total number of infections was one million, only two percent recovered.

In India, about 40 per cent people have fully recovered. India has a much higher rate of well-being than many countries in the world.

Policy Commission CEO Amitabh Kant also tweeted that our situation is very good. He wrote that only two out of every one million people in the country are dying.

While in America it is 275 and in Spain it is 591. The death rate in India is around three per cent and the number of healthy people is steadily increasing.

If we talk about the recovery of coro patients in the world, 2% of coro patients in America, 11% in Russia, 14 in Italy, 18 in Turkey, 21 in France, 22 in Spain, 29 in Germany and 40% in India have recovered so far.

It is being said that necessary steps have been taken regarding Corona in India at the right time. Facilities in hospitals were rapidly expanded.

Due to this the infection spread late and health facilities were improved and due to awareness people reached the hospitals as early as possible and sought treatment. The number of young people in India and their good immunity has also helped.
