Fight the Corona with the demand of intellectuals to confiscate people's property

Opposing the proposal to confiscate the property, the intellectuals amended and announced a new seven-point plan

New Delhi, 23rd May 2020 Saturday

Prominent left-wing economists, intellectuals and activists in the country have demanded that the government seize all people's property to fight the Corona crisis as well as to get out of the economic, health and humanitarian crisis. He says the people of the country should consider resources like cash, real estate, assets, bonds as national resources. Their demand means that the government has the right to the people, the house, the jewelery, whatever the cash is. His demand caused a stir and was strongly opposed on social media.

Economists like Pranav Bardhan, Deepak Nair, Jhan Drej, Abhijit Sen, Jayati Ghosh, Rajmohan Gandhi, Ramchandra Guha, Harsh Mandar Nikhil Dey, Admiral (retd) Ramdas are involved in drafting the seven point action plan under 'Mission Jai Hind' of these intellectuals. Were.

These intellectuals say that the people of the country should have current resources such as cash, real estate, assets, bonds etc. and the resources of the country should be considered as national assets during this time of crisis. For this purpose, half of the revenue collected by the Center should be given to the States. This mission should be prioritized and unnecessary government spending and subsidies should be stopped. His proposal to confiscate people's property was strongly opposed on social media. As a result, Ramchandra Guha, Yogendra Yadav and others revised and revised their seven-point plan and removed the proposal to nationalize people's wealth. Guha also had to clarify that they did not agree on the issue of confiscation of property.

He said that the self-reliant India package announced by the government has ignored the needs of the common man. The Corona crisis and lockdown have had a serious impact on the lives and livelihoods of ordinary people. He has proposed a seven-point plan under Mission Jai Hind and demanded the government to implement it. He demanded that the central and state governments should implement this action plan to bring people's lives back on track. He demanded that the government should make arrangements to send foreign workers to their homes within 10 days and provide bus and train fares for them. In addition, Corona patients, frontline workers and their families should have access to universal and free health care. All patients with corona symptoms should be examined free of charge.

Each member involved in the ration card is given 10 kg of grain, 1.5 kg of lentils, 200 ml. Edible oil, 200 grams of sugar should be obtained. Job guarantees should be increased in urban and rural areas.

Under MGNREGA, every family in the country should be guaranteed 300 days of work a year. Everyone in the cities should be guaranteed a 100 day green job and get a daily wage of Rs.500.
