Corona patients' pain: Health problems persist 11 weeks after negative report

New delhi date. 11 May 2020, Monday

Once infected with the corona virus, some health problems persist. Such problems are being seen in patients who have recovered after battling corona in Italy, and many patients have not yet recovered in the same way. The condition of such people is not serious but they are experiencing problems like fatigue, difficulty in breathing, cough.

Morena Columbi, a 59-year-old patient, was diagnosed with the corona virus on March 16. Yet she has not yet fully recovered. They still have a cough and weakness, fatigue.

Morena, who lives in Trucazano, north of Milan, Italy, went to work for a cosmetic company five weeks after her recovery, but was unable to do so for a while. In addition to fatigue, he began to experience muscle pain and shortness of breath from walking. In her opinion, she can never be as healthy as she was before Corona.

Italy is the first European country to have the highest number of elderly deaths due to corona. The disease then spread rapidly to Spain, France, Britain, and the United States. One of the problems is that the time to recover patients in Italy has increased too much. Patients who have been corona-free are also concerned about poor health. He is still showing symptoms of corona and is expected to recover in several weeks.

The condition of patients declared negative by the corona virus in Italy is very bad. They are suffering from constant fatigue, coughing and shortness of breath for fear of losing both health and money. One doctor described it as not a disease but a long-lasting symptom.
