China's eye is not only on Ladakh, it also has gold and uranium reserves.

Leh, dated 23 May 2020, Saturday

A shocking revelation has emerged on the Ladakh front amid tensions between India and China.

Thousands of Chinese troops had infiltrated Indian territory in Ladakh. Chinese troops are also building bunkers on the shores adjacent to Pyongyang Lake in Ladakh.

Experts believe that one of the reasons why China has its eye on Ladakh is that it has rich mineral resources such as uranium, granite gold and rare earths. Centuries ago, 10,000 camels and horses were traded with China via Ladakh.

There is a Golden Mountain near Gogra Post near the disputed Galvan Region between China and India. No further survey has been done in the area but it is believed that precious minerals are hidden here. Uranium is useful for generating nuclear energy and its reserves are in Ladakh.

A sample of Chinese-occupied Ladakh rocks tested in a German laboratory in 2007 revealed that it contained 5.36 per cent uranium. Millions of years ago there was a collision between the plates of Indian and Asian lands. Ladakh is between these two plates. As a result of this collision, there may be an abundance of minerals in the soil here. According to scientists, uranium-rich rocks are found in Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, as in Ladakh.

Earlier, China had mined minerals like gold and rare earth 15 km from the Indian district bordering Arunachal Pradesh. China is said to have found 60 60 billion worth of minerals in the area. China has also deployed mines and other equipment along the border to remove it. From where thousands of trucks are loaded with material. Thousands of people are working here.

China wants to build more nuclear bombs and can get uranium from Ladakh.
