Can another virus like corona still come out of bats?

Wuhan, May 27, 2020, Wednesday

Shi Zhengli, deputy director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, also known as China's Bat Woman, said wild animals such as bats contain a number of dangerous viruses, such as corona, which could lead to another epidemic in the world if not identified in time. Therefore, governments and scientists of all countries need to be transparent about virus research. This is the same laboratory at Wuhan University of Virology that has been accused of spreading the virus.

Although Zhengli believes that China has been accused of not providing accurate information about the Corona to the world over time, the politicization of science is regrettable. In an interview with China's state news agency CCTN, Zhengli said that in order to avoid the next epidemic, it was necessary to search for unidentified viruses found in wild animals. The world needs to fight together to combat the corona.

Relations between Sino-US have soured since the Corona. The U.S. alleges that Corona was leaked from Wuhan's lab and that China initially tried to hide it but China denied the allegations. Zhengli denied the US allegations. The virus it works on does not match the genetics corona virus. The study of bats has been going on since the inception of SARS when Zagli conducted research on the virus in 2004, with great success in 2013 when 96.2% of SARS in bat feces resembled CO-2. In 2015, he discovered that SARS-like viruses could be transmitted from bats to humans.
