The plight of thousands of Indians living on H-1B visas in the United States is growing

Washington, April 29, 2020, Wednesday

The plight of as many as two lakh Indians living on H1B visas in the US could escalate in the coming days.

The United States grants this visa to people from other countries with specialized skills who can work while living in the United States. Millions of Indians currently reside in the United States on these visas.

However, while millions of Americans have lost their jobs because of Corona, Indians working on these visas are not doing well. Many of them have been sent on leave without a salary. Many have been on leave since the second week of March.

If this situation continues, thousands of Indians will lose their eligibility to stay in the US by June. On the other hand, if the lockdown continues, they will not be able to return to India.

According to the H-1B visa rules, a person with this visa can stay in the United States for a maximum of 60 days if he or she loses a job in the United States or becomes unemployed.
