China has to suffer the consequences of misleading the world about the Corona virus: Trump

New Delhi, Apr 14, 2020, Tuesday

US President Donald Trump has once again threatened China.

Trump, who has already targeted China over the shocking Corona virus in the United States, has said that China will suffer the consequences of misinforming the world on the Corona virus.

A reporter repeatedly asked Trump why he was not being punished by China when Trump said, "How do you know that it has no ill effects?" I won't tell you Only China will know about it.

On the other hand, US lawmakers are also angry with China. A senator wrote a letter to Trump demanding that the US end its dependence on medical supplies on China. America makes medicines at home. On Monday, four other MPs also introduced a bill to end China's dependence on China.

Trump said that a plan has been made to revitalize the country. 95% of the country's population is affected by the virus. Work on the plan to reopen the country is almost done. The scheme of my system will give the American people the confidence to lead a normal life.

It is worth mentioning that, in the United States at present, 5.8 million people have been infected with Corona. More than 23,000 people have died.
