Can an epidemic of corona be prevented by an antibody test?

April 26, 2020. Sunday

While half the world is in a state of lockdown, many countries are considering removing the controls to go to public places but are worried about the spread of Corona infection. Countries in Asia, including China and India, do not have as much space in public places. Crowds of citizens waiting for a train on a railway platform and people standing close to each other when they get a seat in a bus cannot shift to social distance. Social distance also becomes unavoidable for those who work in industries and factories.

The lockdown was supposed to break Corona's transition cycle, but it did not. The number of people infected with Cora is steadily increasing. If the virus persists for a long time, it will be necessary to consider business employment and the country's economy. At such times, experts are urging people with antibodies to be allowed to go outside.

Hundreds of people in Berlin, Germany, wearing masks for the anti-body test, stand at a clinic to give a blood sample at a social distance of two meters. The purpose of doing so was to find out if he had ever been infected with the corona virus with the help of antibody tests. If this happened then antibodies would have been developed to fight it. If someone already has a corona they have an antibody test positive. Many countries are trying to measure the level of immunity in people. Andrew Cuamo, the governor of New York in the United States, has been aggressively pursuing such tests in his state for the past week.

However the World Health Organization believes that how long immunity lasts is also important as much remains to be seen about the virus. There is a lot of discussion about taking antibody tests but it is important to know how much protection a positive test can give against corona. The German Doctors' Association believes that even if some have Covid-19, the results could be wrong. There are many corona viruses that do not cause serious illness but can test positive. The Rapid Antibody Test, which is a kit that can detect blood from a finger in 15 minutes, is not reliable. Therefore, it cannot be said that they are immune. Ideally, it needs to be tested in a laboratory.
