I have seen you in the form of God, listening to the woman PM Modi wept

New Delhi, Mar 7, 2020, Saturday

Tears came to the eyes of PM Modi when he heard of a woman on Jan Rashid.

The paralyzed woman said, "My herbal medicines have reduced the cost of my treatment and due to this my condition is improving. I have not seen God but I have seen you Modi ... PM Modi's eyes were blinded upon hearing this."

A woman named Deepa Shah said that if I was paralyzed in 2011. I could not speak. The family was getting expensive and hence I started taking generic medicines. The house is going on. I have not seen God but I have seen you in the image of God.

PM Modi said, You have to defeat the illness. Your courage is your God and that is why you have come out of the crisis.

Then PM Modi praised generic drugs and said that generic drugs are no less than any other brand available in the international market.
