CBI court granted clemency to Rakesh Asthana

New delhi date. March 7, 2020, Saturday

Former CBI special director Rakesh Astharathana was cleared by the CBI in a corruption case, so that the entire case reached the special CBI court.

The court had earlier dismissed the agency on the clinch issue and had asked questions, including why Rakesh did not perform a live detector test for Asharthana. Now, the same court has approved the clearance given to Rakesh Ashrathana, which will result in no further action against the former special director of the CBI.

On March 7, CBI court judge Sanjeev Agrawal said in his observation that there was not enough and appropriate evidence to be seen against Rakesh Astarthuna and Devendra Kumar. There is no scope for further investigation into this matter.

At the same time, the court accepted the allegations against fraud and criminal conspiracy in the case as well as against Manoj Prasad and Sommesh Prasad under Section 8 of the PC Act and said that there was sufficient evidence to be investigated against them, so both the summons have been sent together.

The CBI has filed a case against Hyderabad businessman Satish Sana on the allegations of corruption, including corruption against Rakesh Ashratha. The dispute also arose between the then CBI Director Alok Verma and Rakesh Astharatha. Which led to both being removed from the post.

Both Alok Verma and Rakesh Ashartha had made allegations against each other, including corruption. The former investigating officer has also raised questions about the clinic given to Rakesh Ashrathana, claiming that there is enough evidence to investigate the maladministration, but the present investigation is not taking action.
