42,000 people died in China? Know what the Chinese are saying

Beijing, Ta .30. March 2020, Monday

It is still a matter of speculation as to how many deaths were actually caused by the Corona virus in Communist China, which has tight controls on the media.

Although the locals of Wuhan are human beings, at least 42,000 people have died here. The outbreak of the corona virus began in Wuhan, China's Hubei province. Officially, 3300 people have died in China. Out of which 3182 people have died in Hubei province.

However, local citizens claim that according to local customs, 500 bone marrow is being distributed to the families of the deceased. Bone fractures have been dissected in every 24 hours if calculated according to distribution made in seven different locations. The distribution will continue until April 5. On this day, a festival called King Ming will begin. Where people pay homage to their ancestors' tombs.

If such an estimate is made, 42000 bone grafts will be distributed in 12 days. The news comes at a time when people are allowed to lose after the lockdown. People are questioning the death toll, saying that the burners were working 24 hours a day. So that people can slowly digest the reality.

There is also speculation that some people died in their homes without treatment.
