Trump seems to be doing a 'dal raisina', 48 hours a day serving food

New Delhi, Feb 25, 2020, Tuesday

A banquet will be held this evening in Rashtrapati Bhavan in honor of US President Donald Trump.

The dish that everyone will notice in the menu of this banquet is dal raisina, which is a special kind of dal that is served at the Rashtrapati Bhavan whenever a special dignity is served.

It takes 48 hours to make this dal. The fennel and the saffron in it make the taste of fennel different. The recipe of this dal was made in 2010 by Rashtrapati Bhavan's then chef Machindra Kasture. To which many other things have been added.

Adad and Rajma have been steamed to make dal and are kept all night. It is then kept on a slow heat for 6 to 8 hours. Spices made in lentils are also special.

Kasturenu says that we are always experimenting differently in the kitchen of Rashtrapati Bhavan and the result of such an experiment is Dal Dalisi.

Trump will be attending a banquet with the family at seven this evening. Guests invited to the banquet will receive Trump. About 100 people have been invited to the event. Trump will leave for America at 10 pm after that.
