The appeal hearing against the death sentence in the Supreme Court will now begin within six months

New delhi date. February 14, 2020, Friday

All the four perpetrators of the Nirbhaya case have been imprisoned for seven years and have not been hanged till now. He was also delayed in his execution. The case came up in 2012 when the sentence was pronounced several years later.

However, the Supreme Court has now issued a guideline for appeals for executions that are not delayed. Accordingly, the hearing has to start within a certain time from now.

The new guideline, announced by the Supreme Court, will be started within six months after the High Court recognizes the sentence of death sentence.

It has also been stated that in cases where the High Court has sealed the death sentence, an appeal filed in the Supreme Court will be disposed of at the earliest so that even if the appeal of the offenders is rejected, it can be hanged at the earliest.

When the High Court recognizes the death sentence, an appeal is filed in the Supreme Court.

The new Supreme Court has issued a new guideline clarification that will be taken up for hearing within six months, whether or not it is ready for an appeal hearing. A special permission petition has been filed in the Supreme Court against the death sentence awarded by the High Court in those cases.

As soon as the Special Leave Petition is filed, the Supreme Court Registry will send an order to the court against which the Special Leave Petition has been filed. In this message the Registry will tell the court that it should send the certificate of the case and the original record of the case to the Supreme Court within 60 days.
