Learn from Shame on You Pakistan, India, said a student trapped in Wuhan

Islamabad, February 2, 2020, Sunday

India has made arrangements to bring a secure India to its citizens trapped in Wuhan amid an outcry of the Corona virus in Wuhan, China. Other countries are also sending their citizens back to China by sending aircraft.

The neighboring country Pakistan, however, is the exception. Pakistan has not made any arrangements to call back Pakistani students living in Wuhan, which is known as the Corona Virus AP Center in China. Crop students are proving their anger by making videos.

One such viral video shows a Pakistani student standing on the bus and saying, "This bus has Indian students." The bus has been sent by India to take them. This will take you all to the airport and deliver them home. Bangladeshis have also come to take their students and we are trapped by Pakistanis. To whom the government says, you should die or live there, we will not remove you from there, learn from Shame on You Pakistan, India ...
