Another firing incident in the Jamia area, unknown firing on Sunday night, escaped

New delhi date. Monday 3 February 2020

Shaheen Bagh and Jamia Millia, who were protesting the new Citizenship Act (CAA), became the third consecutive shooting incident in the area. On Sunday night, some strangers fled in the Jamia area.

But with this third incident, a sense of dread was present among the spectators. The students of Jamia took responsibility for the security themselves and the students were searching for every vehicle passing through their area.

Two strangers appeared at Jamia's gate number five on Sunday night and were then shot. On the news of the shootings, a crowd of people was gathering at Jamia's Gate. In a few moments, new demonstrations began.

The Deputy Police Commissioner of the area said that the station house officer at Jamianagar police station had figured out the situation.

This was the third incident of shootings in the area. It seems that some people want the atmosphere to be constantly warmer with CAA.

Two men appeared to be fleeing, one of them wearing a red jacket and running a scooter in red. Scooty's number is said to be 1532.
