Uttar Pradesh Police finally retire the British-era Enfield Rifle!

Lucknow, Ta. January 27, 2020, Monday

Uttar Pradesh police have finally raided the rifle 'Enfield-Lee Point 303' seven decades after independence. This rifle was used in British times. Uttar Pradesh police retired him from his daily use a few years ago.

It was then only saluted by the Republic Day. After saluting for the last time on the 71st Republic Day, the rifle has now been discharged from Kamgir. So it will no longer be used.

This rifle was manufactured in the 19th century by the British. It was used in the First and Second World Wars. It was entered into India in 1904. Later it was manufactured at the Ichchapur Rifle Factory in India.

Here too, its production had stopped since the 1980s. Putting this rifle into the museum in the modern day era of modern weapons does not prove to work any more. Because it can be fired by fitting only one cartridge at a time.

It takes a few seconds to minutes to process. Against it modern weapons can fire more than one round of seconds. This rifle does not operate in modern times after being used as a major weapon for seven decades. Now new weapons have been replaced.

Uttar Pradesh police used about 45,000 rifles. Due to its accuracy, the rifle was also a favorite among many police officers. He also needed his informants to use this rifle. Noida police have permanently stopped using it for the last time.
