The President will impose a rule if the new traffic law allows concessions

New delhi date. January 7, 2020, Tuesday

The central transport ministry had warned the state governments that if you give any concession to the new traffic law, you will be imposed presidential rule there.

The central government said that states do not have the flexibility to grant concessions or concessions in the penalties set by the central government. Similarly, states cannot provide any relief in the laws enacted by the Center. Presidential rule will be imposed in such a relaxed state.

On Monday, the Ministry of Transportation officially announced that no state has the right to relax or reduce the penalty imposed under the new traffic law. The central government has enacted a new law under constitutional authority which is binding on all the states of the country. No state can take exception to that.

The Center said that no state government can take exemption in a single law without the approval of the President. The Ministry of Transport on Monday made this clear by sending a circular to all the states.

The report states that some states have relaxed the new traffic law, the Vehicle Department sought the advice of the Law Department and the circular was prepared after the Law Department gave its advice.
