The average temperature of the human body is decreasing, body temperature is no longer 37, 36.6 degrees! : Stanford University

Stanford, Ta. January 18, 2020, Saturday

The textbook has generally taught everyone that the body temperature of the human body is 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 F). There was no scope for this fact change based on the principles of science. For almost two and a half years researchers have been catching up to this figure.

If there is a fever or any other illness in the body, the first thing a doctor does when checking is to check the temperature. If the temperature seems to be high then there is a fever to understand, if the temperature is low then there may be another disease. All these tests are done by measuring the average body temperature. Now the criteria have to be changed and medical science calculations have to be repeated.

The effect of anatomy

Researchers at Stanford University in the United States have presented a research paper showing that body temperature has decreased over the past two and a half years. The average temperature was estimated at 37 degrees two and a half years ago. Now the temperature has dropped to 36.6 degrees Celsius. That is, our body is cooling down. The reason why the cold is getting colder has become the subject of a separate investigation for researchers. Researchers believe that temperature varies due to body length, thickness, weight, etc. This research was published in the e-Life Journal of the Medical Sciences of America.

One-and-a-half year data analysis

The researchers concluded that after studying 6,77,000 temperature readings. Temperature data for 1,90,000 people from 1862 to 2017 were examined for this. In most cases, the doctor records the temperature at the time of treatment. Therefore, it is not difficult to find information about the body temperature based on the medical report whether it is present or not. These citizens are naturally Americans, and even this research is enough for American citizens right now. But now other countries in the world have also had to re-measure their citizens' cold-heat measurements.

The temperature of the body

Humans are an organism with a stable body temperature. So if the temperature fluctuates, it can be an illness. Many organisms, such as snakes and frogs, can lower their body temperature according to the season. It is not possible for humans. That is why we feel cool when the temperature drops, the temperature rises when the heat goes up. If we can reduce the body temperature to 20 degrees in the winter, then the cold right now seems to disappear.

What is the reason for the difference?

Medical science scholars are discussing two issues. Either the temperature is really dropping. There were no precise thermometers and medical devices in the past, so the exact temperature was not recorded. Which of the two is true is now a new puzzle. It is not yet known exactly what caused the temperature drop. Researchers also said that temperature changes directly affect the immune system. So the current generation has less immunity that the 19th century generation was more physically capable of.

There have also been studies in the past

Some claims of temperature differences have been made in the past. As the University of Maryland measured the temperature of 148 patients in 1992, the average figure was 36.8 degrees, not 37. But the figure was not considered valid as it was only examined by 148 patients. In 2017, data from 35,000 patients in the United Kingdom revealed that the average figure was 36.6. It was also rejected by many researchers.

How was the average temperature determined?

The earliest idea of ​​average temperature was given by German doctor Karl Reinhold in August 1851. At that time the German city of Lipsick measured the temperature of various 25,000 persons. Based on this the average temperature was calculated. After that, other doctors from the US and Europe also examined Karl's figure in his own way. In his investigation, Carl's figures were found to be a global measure of truth. Of course, the figure was average, so the person could be a little different. But the average was 37 degrees. Now temperatures are falling so average 37 degrees is not even recorded. There are several accurate thermometers available for temperature measurement right now, but Carl Pona showed accurate diagnosis about 200 years ago.
