Not a scarecrow, this young scientist created a 'lipstick gun'

New delhi date. 9. January, 2020 Thursday

A young lipstick in Varanasi, the PM's constituency, has created a unique lipstick to prevent harassment and rap with women. Which can also be firing.

Lipstick is something that is most often found in women's purses and can be kept easily. Scientific dark chorus has named it an anti-teasing lipstick gun.

According to him, the lipstick is triggered by the pressing of the trigger, which can be heard for several kilometers. The smartphone can be connected to the sensors that are attached to it. It allows the police control room and family members to automatically set the phone when the trigger is pressed. Women can protect themselves in two ways.

It took 6 months for the dark chaurcia to make this lipstick gun. It does not have to be charged for a number of days after the lipstick gun is charged.

However, he needs the help of the government to make this discovery accessible to the people. For this, he has also written a letter to the Yogi government.
