Government of India will allow Imran Khan to come to India, this is because

New delhi date. 15. Wednesday January 2020

The Indian government will invite Prime Minister Imrakhan to visit India.

India is scheduled to host the Shanghai Co-operation Organization later this year. Since Pakistan is also a member of the organization, the Modi government will invite Imrakhan to join the meeting.

The first chance will be when the talks between the two countries are closed, while PM Modi and Imran Khan can be seen on one platform.

Generally, the foreign ministers of the member countries are participating in the meetings of this organization but also the PMs of some countries are also present. In India, the foreign ministers are involved in most meetings but the PM is present when the President of each country is to meet. Pakistan is a member of this organization. Will be canceled.

Established in 2001, the organization is aimed at curbing terrorism and enhancing economic cooperation. It has members from China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. In 2017, it was granted entry to India and Pakistan.
