What is the virtual death toll in Shanghai and Singapore?

It is natural for every living person to fear that he would be burned if his body was burned to death. What is strange is that the man was virtually unharmed after being kept in an atmosphere of realization that he had died in Singapore. Yule inflammation is experienced.

The Shanghai company also claims to experience a possible rebirth after the death. A fake chamber is prepared for the experience of this different kind of death and cremation. In this chamber the person is laid amidst the fog of smoke. The company claims that this hunger strikes a chord with time. Then the participant realizes that he is born again through a circular hall of special atmosphere,

Virtual death and birth attendees say that having this experience brings peace of mind. Encourages to cope with life's problems. Not only this, the whole world changes when you enter the door. Thus, no one can know what will happen during the death, but virtual death and funeral rituals are also going on.
