Unnao district 'rap capital', 86 rape cases in 11 months

New delhi date. 7. December, 2019 Saturday

The rape victim has died in the Unnao district of UP after the accused was burned alive by the accused.

However, this is not the first incident of rap in Unnao. Ulana district has a shameful record of being labeled as rap capital. Unnav recorded not only two but 86 cases of rap from January to November this year.

The district has become the capital of rap. There are 31 lakh people living here. If this is the talk of rap, then a total of 185 cases of harassment of women have come out in the last eleven months.

Former BJP MLA Kuldeep Singh Sanger has been in discussion overnight in the Unnao district overnight after the accusation of a rap and the accusation of the victim.

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In most of the rap incidents, most of the accused have been released on bail or none of the accused has been arrested. The police has been politicized here. Police are following the politicians' warning.

According to a local lawyer, the criminals here are used for political rivalry. The police act like a puppet of the leaders. There is not a single case in which the police have taken a strict stand.
