The use of the offline messaging app as an alternative to the frequently disconnected Internet increased

New delhi date. December 23, 2019, Monday

For some reason, people have found an alternative to offline messaging apps for reading when the internet is down. The popularity of offline messaging apps has increased in the country. Apps like BridgeFi, FireChat, also offer offline messages.

The use of these apps does not require the Internet. So the consumption of these apps has increased in the country. The number of downloads of these apps available in the Google Playstore and Apple has increased. Since Bluetooth can be setup as well, people are chatting through this app, exchanging apps.

Such apps work in three ways. For example, BridgeFi allows the exchange of messages over Bluetooth connectivity. A text message can be sent over a 330 foot area using Bluetooth. BridgeFi uses a private webnetwork to make text messages over long distances. Another way is through broadcast. Through which app users can make text messages.
