Muzaffarnagar: A 72-year-old Muslim man accused of being raped by police

Muzaffarnagar Date: 26 December 2019, Thursday

A 72-year-old Muslim elder from Muzaffarnagar alleged that Uttar Pradesh police had entered my house and tortured me and threatened that there were only two options for you - either go to Pakistan or go to the cemetery ...

Violent protests have been taking place in different regions of the country over the past few days regarding new citizenship laws and citizenship registers. Such violent protests also took place in various cities of Uttar Pradesh. Police raided places in Lucknow, Kanpur, Firozabad, etc. to apprehend suspected persons involved in the violence.

A reward of Rs 25,000 was also announced to the person who identified the people involved in the violence.

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Police also conducted such raids in Muzaffarnagar. An elder from the wood trade here alleged that the police had entered my house and stabbed me and threatened to either go to Pakistan or go to the cemetery. There is no other option for Muslims to live in this country anymore.

The trader, Haji Hamid Hassan, also alleged that the police had vandalized my house and smashed wash basins, utensils and furniture.

Police response to the allegation was not known.
