2000 species of living insects had to migrate around the world

The adverse effects of climate change have begun to affect the earth's fauna. Migration has increased to find a climate-friendly place among creatures. In this regard, not only the living creatures on the ground, but also the status of sea creatures is serious. The coral reefs are at risk from rising water temperatures and pollution. Scientists believe that if the sea temperature rises by two degrees, most corals will not survive. Considering that coral is a vital link in marine life foods, hundreds of fish and sea plants will be lost if it does not exist.

Saras and other tourist birds are also trying to survive with the changing weather. Earlier, tourist birds spent winter time in Africa because of the abundance of food. Now they have stopped traveling and are staying at their original place. Their behavior has begun to affect Africa's eco-system. Zeba and Eucalyptus hamsha rainfall bases in the plains are changing their area.

The scarcity conditions in these meadows last for a long time wandering for water. The condition of the Man vs. Wild also arises as they try to find water and get into the habitat of men. Rising temperatures are starting to show the opposite effect on the ecosystem of the Serengeti area of ​​the African country of Tanzania. Tree resistance is reduced due to the impact of food due to excess heat and low rainfall. Millions of species are on the verge of extinction due to climate change.
