US Increases H-1B Visa Fees by $ 10

(PTI) Washington, Ta. November 12, 2019, Tuesday

Those wishing to travel to the United States will now have to pay $ 10, or about 700 rupees more, as an application fee for an H-1B visa. At present, Rs 32000 is charged for the application of H-1B visa. The United States has announced this by conducting new research into its selection process.

The US Citizenship and Immigration Ministry said the fee would be useful for the electronic registration system. Ken Cucinelli, executive director of the US Citizenship and Immigration Ministry, said the effort will help implement a more effective H-1B visa selection process. In Baru, he said that the electronic register system will modernize immigration. This will improve the selection process and not be fraudulent.

The H-1B visa program allows US companies to hire foreign artisans temporarily. Which requires a specific skill or degree. Those who apply for an H-1B visa must first register electronically. This method will be implemented from the year 2021.
