The movement of students of BHU will be relaxed

Benares Ta 22 November 2019, Friday

Students of Banaras Hindu University ( BHU) , protesting against the teachings of Sanskrit by Muslim professors, had taken up their agitation after meeting with the Vice-Chancellor and prepared to sit for the exams starting today.

A Muslim professor named Feroz Khan was teaching Sanskrit at Banaras Hindu University. The students were protesting how a Muslim professor could teach us about Hindu worship.

The grandson of Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya, founder of Banaras Hindu University and Vice-Chancellor of BHU, Giridh Malviya, explained to the students that the movement was not fair. You should warmly welcome a learned professor. One should know Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya's ideas about the definition of Hindu in BHU and who is called Hindu. You should respect them by admitting the fact that you have got a qualified teacher.

BHU's Ph.D. Scholar Chakrapani Ojha argued that we are not opposed to Muslim professors, but opposed to the appointment of a non-Hindu professor in the Hindu Religious Science Department.
