The Australian model didn't know about the pregnancy until the baby was born!

Sydney, Ta. November 15, 2019, Friday

Australia has faced an unusual pregnancy. 23 year old model Erin Lagmede gave birth to a baby with no apparent symptoms of pregnancy. He did not experience any common symptoms, such as period closures or baby bumps in nine months. For the medical world this phenomenon has become the subject of study.

Model Erin Lagemade regularly shares photographs on Instagram. He had no idea he was pregnant. Erin got a little sore last time and gave birth to a baby on the floor right in the bathroom! After giving birth to a baby, she found out she was pregnant.

This 23-year-old model gave birth to a baby without having to appear during the nine months before the period closes or changes in the body structure or even the baby bomb.

The incident also propelled the world into the medical world. Doctors in Australia have felt overwhelmed by such a rare case, saying that such a delivery in medical language is called surplus birth or denial pregnancy is called cryptic pregnancy. Medical science has not yet received an answer to the reasons for this.

Interviewing with the Australian media, the model said that in the past months, she had not once felt that her body had changed slightly. That is, all his clothes seemed to fit him perfectly. Not a single garment fitted. No weakness was also felt.

Studies say that it happens only once in a million months that a woman does not know about a pregnancy until it becomes a laborpen. The model shared on Instagram with her partner and daughter sharing a selfie that this was the most memorable week of her life.
