Gold deposits are found in Galaxy NSG 4993

This gold can be cut into cubes of 20 meters cubes

New York, Ta. November 16, 2019, Saturday

Scientists claim to have found a huge reservoir of gold 130 to 140 light years away from Earth. This precious gold metal was formed by a collision between neutron stars. For this reason scientists have been observing the collision between neutron stars for two years. It is from this collision that large quantities of gold and platinum are produced.

The gold reservoir is found in Galaxy NCG 4993, which is 130 to 140 light years away from Earth. The collision of a neutron star occurred about 13 to 14 million years ago. Compared to the gold found on Earth, the Galaxy 4993 is the largest amount of gold that can be sliced ​​into cubes of 20 meters of gold extracted from the mines on Earth.

According to scientists, the collision seen in 2017 was forced to observe for the second time on a similar phenomenon in 2016, when it was discovered that two neutron stars blended into each other and produced kilonova. The neutron star is called the remnant left after the big star exploded.

Kilonova is formed even when a neutron star merges into a black hole. The collision in 2016 also occurred in 2017, with large quantities of gold and platinum being produced. Scientists believe that based on this, one can know about the amount of gold found on Earth. This very precious metal is the result of Kilonova being built millions of years ago.
