Climate change will increase the temperature by 1.5 million people in India

New Delhi, November 1, 2019, Friday

Global warming is likely to have the worst impact of rising temperatures on countries like India. It is estimated that as many as 1.5 million people die every year due to rising heat levels in India.

Delhi's Yushikago Center has released a report on the impact of climate change and global warming on India. It said that there would be an eight-fold increase in days with temperatures above 35 degrees in India. The number of hot days in the country's capital Delhi will increase 22 times. Which means that every year in Delhi alone, 23,000 people will die due to heat.

Given the current circumstances, the average temperature of the country will increase from 24 degrees to 28 degrees by 2100. According to the report, the temperature in India is rising very rapidly as the greenhouse gases are constantly pouring into the air. It is anonymous that Punjab will become the hottest state by the end of the century. At that time, the average temperature would be 36 degrees. However, the number of hot days in Orissa will increase.

According to research, the effect of hot days is on mortality rates. It is estimated that heat loss in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra has 64%. Climate change is estimated to increase mortality by 1.5 million.

Michael Green Stone, director of Yushikago, says Indians will suffer the effects of a growing dependence on fossil fuels like petrol diesel worldwide. Under these circumstances, management is needed to cope with climate change.

India's hill stations are also getting warmer. The temperature in Jammu and Kashmir will increase by 5.1 degrees, while Himachal will get 4.4 degrees, while Uttarakhand will increase by 4.1 degrees.

By 2040, carbon emissions will be at their peak. The amount of carbon dioxide in the air will reach 540 ppm.
