46 lakh electricity bill hit by a man in a cottage

New Delhi, November 11, 2019, Monday

If the middle-class family gets a electricity bill of 2 or 3 thousand, then in the second month, the glow of the light starts to grow. But what if someone was hit by a 46 million bill? One such incident happened with a person from the village of Barnawa.

A person named Yashpal has been hit by a electricity bill. The cost of power consumption is Rs 46 lakh. Surprisingly, this guy lives in a dorm, not in a palace. Two years ago, Yashpal took a one kilowatt connection in the name of his wife Vimalesh. Whose bill he could not pay. A notice was issued to him by Vij Company in June last month. Of which, the outstanding bills amount to more than 37 lakhs. Upon seeing this notice, Yashpal's senses were blown away.

Now that the bill in the office of the Wiz company is wrong and it is pushing to amend it. However, his problem has not been resolved since June, and on November 2, the employees of the electrical department gave him one more notice, showing the amount of the pending bill in excess of Rs. The notice states that if this amount is not paid then the power connection will be cut off. In this regard, JE Sunil Kumar has said that the bill has been issued due to a defect which will be amended in a short time.
