Wing, the subsidiary of Google, made the first delivery in the US using a drone

Google will get around Rs 200 crore business from Canberra alone with drone delivery service

Washington, Ta. October 20, 2019, Sunday

Google's subsidiary 'Wing' has become the first American company to deliver a package through a drone. The small Virginia town at Christianburg was chosen for this test.

The Wing Company, which operates in Helsinki, in addition to two Australian cities, launched the first drone-powered delivery at the city of Christianberg on Friday.

One family asked for medicine using a wing app while another requested a gift for his wife using this app. It is learned that most of the deliveries were made by FedEx trucks while some were using drones for final delivery.

It is estimated that by 2030, 25% of deliveries in Australia will be made using drones. Amazon and Alibaba are also working on a drone delivery service. These companies have also conducted trials in Britain, the US and China several times but they have not been approved yet.

The home address of the person who buys the item is delivered using GPS for delivery using a drone. The parcel is then tied to a drone using a string.

The drone reaches the garden of the person who has to deliver the item and returns after dropping the item. Wing crews packed three pounds (1.3 kg) of luggage with a drone known as white and yellow nest, and the luggage was delivered to the enclosures of six miles (10 km).

Upon arriving at the service buyer's house, the drones did not land but landed in the sky and dropped the packets with the help of a wire.

Amazon, Uber Eats and UPS are also planning to launch such a service, according to reports. According to Google, with the help of the drone delivery service, the company will get four million Australian dollars (about Rs 200 crore) business in Canberra alone.
